Issue 16, Prayer, World

Victims of Human Trafficking

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Victims of Human Trafficking

Every year, more than 8,000 Nepalese citizens are trafficked across the border (National Human Rights Council), and every 45 minutes, a girl is trafficked from Nepal to India. According to Reuters, in the aftermath of the 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Kathmandu in May 2015, the risk of being trafficked increased by 15-20%!


Most of these trafficked persons are vulnerable women and young girls who come from poor families. Their ages range from as young as seven to as old as 25 years old. As having sex with a virgin is believed to be able to cure diseases, younger girls are highly prized by older men, making them particularly vulnerable to receiving the worst kinds of sexual abuse.


Some are kidnapped, drugged, and brought across the border. Others are tricked with promises of marriage to a wealthy businessman or jobs in the city. No matter how they are trafficked, almost all of them eventually end up in dismal conditions as sex workers, cheap labour, or even as unwilling organ donors.


In a country where girls are considered “less than” boys, females often have fewer opportunities to go to school or to get jobs. As such, poor and uneducated parents readily accept promises of a better life for their daughters, unaware that the next time they see her, she would have experienced horrors no one ever should. In addition, an inadequate police force, weak border control, and the powerful mafia in India make it difficult for traffickers to be stopped and brought to justice. What’s worse, those who do manage to escape and find a way home are not welcomed with open arms, but are often shunned for being “soiled goods.” They face shame and disgrace, rejected by their own community.

Will you pray for the victims and families of those who have been trafficked in Nepal?

– that vulnerable women and children will be protected from evil men and women
– that the plans of traffickers will be confused and ineffective (Psalm 55:9-10)
– that those working to stop trafficking in Nepal will be given the support to continue their efforts
– that those working to identify and rescue victims of trafficking will have discernment and wisdom to know how and when to act
– that those who return home and are ostracised will find comfort in Jesus
– for grieving families whose daughters are yet to return home


Gripped by political and economic crisis, Venezuela declared a state of emergency. Citizens lack access to food, electricity and basic healthcare, with many dying from preventable diseases due to unavailability of medicine.

– for order to be restored in the country by strong and uncorrupt leaders
– that in the midst of crisis, Venezuelans will find peace in Christ and develop a personal relationship with Him
– that those who have unnecessarily lost loved ones will find comfort in Christ.

On 1 May 2016, two missionaries from America were found murdered in a rural area in Jamaica. Both worked for a Christian charity called Teams for Medical Missions.

– for their families who remain in Jamaica
– for the mission work in Jamaica not to be jeopardised by the violence toward these two missionaries

In April 2014, terrorist group Boko Haram kidnapped 276 female schoolgirls in Chibok, Nigeria. 57 girls quickly managed to escape, but of the remaining 219, few have been found over the past two years. Recently, one of the kidnapped girls was found and reunited with her family.

– that those who have escaped will find healing from their traumatic experiences
– that the remaining schoolgirls will be found and reunited with their families
– praise God for the one girl who has been found despite hope being lost after two years

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