Inspiration, Issue 24, Missions

Spotlight: Eun Hee Reaching The Unreached

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Spotlight: Eun Hee Reaching The Unreached

Five years ago, if you had asked Eun-Hee what she thought she would be doing today, she would have said that she’d be a high-flyer living somewhere in Europe — and yet here she is now, preparing to be a missionary to the rural poor of Thailand!

Eun-Hee is not your typical Korean. That much was obvious as soon as we met her — she speaks Singlish just like a Singaporean! A middle child to missionary parents, Eun-Hee’s parents left Korea for Thailand when she was seven months old, and she eventually ended up in Singapore for about 11 years, completing her primary and secondary school education here. Following that, she attended high school in the US and went back to Korea for university. After completing her theological education at Singapore Bible College (SBC) (and meeting her husband there!), she is now in Bangkok as a missionary.

What’s up for her next? Read on to find out!

You’ve lived in many different countries. What was it like growing up with so many cultures?

I guess people like me identify ourselves as Third Culture Kids (TCKs) — people who grow up in a culture that is not our parents’ culture, but that of another country that is completely different. So when we’re asked, “Where are you from?” and “Who are you?”, it’s difficult to answer. It’s always being an ‘almost insider’ but still an outsider, so I would describe it as being able to look, fit in, speak, to almost be an insider, but to constantly feel that there is that wall of divide.

You recently tapped on your experience as a migrant to write a book called Who’s Behind That Wall? with the migrant-ministry NGO HealthServe. Tell us more!

While I was at SBC, we had a class on Ministry to Migrants. Our lecturer challenged us to come up with a list of creative ways to get more people interested in ministering to migrants. For me, one of the ways was to write a children’s book. So, I took up the challenge! Basically, the story is about a little mouse named Tommy, who wants to know what is “behind that wall” in his city that everyone shuns. In the story, Tommy discovers the truth of what is “behind that wall”. It’s written in the hope of encouraging people to be more aware of the presence of the migrant workers among them and to be more thankful for the things that they are doing for Singapore.

So did you intend for this book to target children only?

It’s for children, but I was also thinking of the adults who will be reading the book with the children. I hoped that it would help start a dialogue. There are many ways to advocate for issues, like by talking about them, and giving statistics and facts. But at some point in time, you just need a simple story that people can remember, which can present a message in a less threatening but more profound way because the story remains with you.

So many young people in Singapore are keen to reach out and serve in areas to do with social justice. What advice would you have for them?

I’m very encouraged by that and so thankful whenever I think about all the young people who want to serve God. The most important thing to know is that service always begins with our own walk with God. As we get closer to Him, we will know that social justice is not just “the right thing to do,” but a necessary thing for us as God’s people. Remember, it’s not us changing the world, but it’s us believing that God’s power is able to transform. We are just so privileged to be a part of having that glimpse of heaven on earth. Yeah!

And the second thing is don’t procrastinate. Try to educate yourself, be out there, learn as much as you can. If you want to be involved with missions, really actively seek out missionaries or even local churches of whatever foreign community that you are interested in. Talk to them, learn a language, and get started!

Did you ever imagine you would end up marrying a Thai-Chinese, become a pastor’s wife and live in Bangkok?

To be honest, no! Before I met God, I didn’t think I would even get married! It’s really God’s divine plan, because I met my husband, Nutchanon, at SBC while we were both pursuing our theological degrees and I was preparing to be a single missionary. So yeah, I’m just thankful seeing how throughout our dating time and after we got married, God has brought us together to mould one another for His specific purpose.


Many missions-minded young women complain that there aren’t many good Christian guys out there, much less guys who want to be missionaries. What would you say to them?

I would say that the group that has been consistently the most resilient, diligent, and committed in their conviction to serve God have been single, female missionaries. Never let anyone make you feel like you can do more or less because you don’t have a spouse. I have been so inspired by many single, female missionaries’ lives, purity, holiness, and love for His people. I don’t think they’re in any way to be pitied. I understand that it can get lonely but don’t settle for just anyone for the sake of getting married. We have to check our hearts to see whether we’re putting marriage or the need for a relationship on a pedestal, desiring it more than we desire God.

By 2018, you will be planting a church in rural Thailand with your husband! It sounds quite scary. How did you make this decision together?

In Thailand, there are so many places, villages, and people who haven’t heard of the gospel and where there are no churches at all. Apart from the personal calling to serve in missions, I suppose the calling and ministry of my parents, and my own exposure and experiences as a missionary kid have had a great impact in forming this burden and vision. I’ve been preparing and praying for about five years, and I thank God that He has led both my husband and I to receive and respond to His call as a couple to serve in the church-planting ministry. It took many months of praying and fasting together for us to seek His will. We received confirmation through His Word, sought wise counsel and prayers from our spiritual leaders and community of faith, and saw how God opened doors to lead us to being sent into the mission field next year — it has been surreal and beyond anything we could have imagined. We’d appreciate your prayers as we begin this new season of our lives!

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