24 May Faith, Inspiration, Issue 33 Corrie Ten Boom 01/11/2023 By Hannah Leung WAS 50 YEARS OLD WHEN SHE STARTED HIDING JEWS TO SAVE THEM FROM PERSECUTION RESCUED OVER 800 JEWISH ...Continue reading
24 May Devotionals, Friendship, Issue 33 Carry Each Other’s Burdens 01/11/2023 By Jiamin Choo When I was catching up with a friend, I noticed she wasn’t her bubbly self and looked listless. I a...Continue reading
24 May Apologetics, Faith, Issue 33 Dig Deeper: How Can A Loving God Send Anyone To Hell? 01/11/2023 By Kallos Team This is a question that causes much anguish and confusion. When we think of our friends and family, ...Continue reading
24 May Issue 33, Media, Worship Songwriting Tips From Leeland Mooring 01/11/2023 By Quek Shiwei What is your songwriting process like? Over the years, I’ve learnt that there are two sides to...Continue reading
24 May Challenge, Family, Issue 33 The Dinner With Dad Challenge 01/11/2023 By Quek Shiwei CHALLENGE RULES 1. Plan to spend unhurried time with your dad over an activity or a meal. Take time ...Continue reading
24 May Issue 33, Love, Sexuality Love & Sexuality: How Do You Know If A Guy Is “The One” God Has Given You? 26/12/2023 By Alicia Heng "How do you know if a guy is “the one” God has given you?" This is a question that I’m sure most gi...Continue reading
24 May Issue 33, Mental Health Dear Kallos: Are Mental Health Issues A Spiritual Thing? 01/11/2023 By Alina Teo Are mental health issues a spiritual thing? For example, can a real Christian with a breathing, livi...Continue reading
24 May Faith, Issue 33, Mental Health Spotlight: Facing Depression, Death, And Despair – Faith Pang’s Story Of Hope 01/11/2023 By Quek Shiwei You lost your dad at a young age. How did you deal with his death? My dad passed away unexpectedly w...Continue reading
24 May Issue 33, Mental Health, Restoration How I Overcame My Eating Disorder 26/12/2023 By Joy Shen “You should watch your weight.” I was 12 when a church jie jie (elder sister) said that to me. Howe...Continue reading