Apologetics, Faith, Issue 30

Dig Deeper: Are All Gods The Same?

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Dig Deeper: Are All Gods The Same?

But are all religions the same? 

Most religions address the most important issues in life: Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we going? These beliefs form the core of our identity and what we call ‘worldview’. This directly influences how we live, the decisions that we make and what we consider meaningful in life.

Let us consider a few examples:

A. There is no real meaning in life; it is all about my enjoyment.
B. If we do enough good, we can go to paradise. If we do wrong, we will be punished for it.
C. There is a Creator who created us and there is a purpose for our lives.

Let’s pause and reflect on each choice.

How do you think these different views would affect how we live? What if we tried to believe in all three? How would that work out? All religions and even a worldview that rejects religion seek to answer life’s questions, but each answer leads us to a very different path in life. We will have to choose which path to take, as we certainly cannot walk on two roads at the same time.

Do we all worship the same God?

The word ‘God’ is used commonly with an assumption that we are all referring to the same ‘God’. But when we go deeper in our conversations, we find out that what we each mean by ‘God’ can be worlds apart. Some may think God can be manipulated or appeased for protection and blessings. For others, God is distant and disinterested in our daily affairs. Then there are those who view God as an angry, vengeful old man in white robes. Yet others consider God to be found in everything or in something that they have made. There are also those who deny that God exists. So, when we say that “all gods are the same” — which ‘God’ are we referring to?

If who ‘God’ is differs from person to person, does this mean that there are many gods and we can choose to believe in whomever we like? Or is ‘God’ a concept that we have formed in our minds? If either is true, then ‘God’ wouldn’t be God but simply a product of our imagination. This view implies that humans are equal to or higher than God himself, and ‘God’ exists to serve us.

But if there is a God who exists, a God who is the Creator and not created — then this God would have the right to rule over all His creation, which includes us. What He says matters and if He claims to be the only true way, this leaves no room for compromise. We would only have two choices: to believe in or to reject Him.

What next?

It is not easy to make the bold claim that there is only one true God, especially in the world we live in today. In a multicultural society like Singapore, any claims to exclusivity can be seen as selfish and intolerant. So, why do Christians continue to emphasise their exclusive faith in Jesus and want others to believe in Him?

Only Jesus has made the claim that He is “the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6) — the one and only path that leads to the one and only God, and that He is that God. No other person in history has made this claim and proved it like Jesus. He lived, died and resurrected; this is a historical fact supported by many eyewitnesses and documents. This challenges us to seriously consider the exclusive statements that Jesus made about Himself — to take the time to explore more about His life and teachings recorded in the Bible and make the most reasonable decision about your path in life.

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