01 Mar Faith, Friendship, Inspiration, Issue 44 The Friendship Test 16/02/2024 By Kallos Team How did you overcome jealousy of each other? WONG YUN XUAN, 25 (RIVERLIFE CHURCH): Growing up, I st...Continue reading
01 Mar Friendship, Identity, Issue 44 Is It Weird To Not Have a BFF? 16/02/2024 By Quek Shi Yun I have a confession. When I was growing up, all I wanted was to have a best friend, and I felt like ...Continue reading
01 Mar Issue 44 3 Misconceptions Girls Have About Male Friendships 16/02/2024 By Quek Shiwei “Girls talk about their feelings and share life updates. Guys only talk about girls, money, girls, g...Continue reading
01 Mar Faith, Forgiveness, Friendship, Issue 44, Restoration How to Avoid Toxic Friends (And Be a Good One!) 16/02/2024 By Quek Shiwei As the saying goes, three’s a crowd. I watched in anxiety as two of my closest friends paired off, l...Continue reading
01 Mar Faith, Issue 44, Love, Purity, Relationships Dear Kallos: How do we set up emotional boundaries with someone we like but want to stay as friends? 16/02/2024 By Kallos Team How do we set up emotional boundaries with someone we like but want to stay as friends? - Waiting de...Continue reading
01 Mar Issue 44, Prayer, World Rising Porn Exposure In USA 16/02/2024 By Amber Ginter STATISTICS 9.1 MILLION SEARCHES FOR PORNOGRAPHY USING COVID-19-RELATED ITEMS (E.G. MASKS, GLOVES, ME...Continue reading
01 Mar Issue 44, Life, Purpose, Wisdom Review: Soul 16/02/2024 By Eunice Sng WARNING: This article contains spoilers. I’ve been a fan of Pixar for as long as I can remember. Ye...Continue reading
01 Mar Devotionals, Evangelism, Faith, Hope, Issue 44 Living Hope 16/02/2024 By Jiamin Choo Come with me to the place where it all happened. Imagine the dark before the dawn, the heavy footste...Continue reading
01 Mar Apologetics, Evolution, Issue 44, Wisdom Can a Christian Accept Evolution? 16/02/2024 By Quek Shiwei It may surprise you that the answer to the question is “Yes!” There are many Bible-believing, God-lo...Continue reading
01 Mar Challenge, Issue 44, Media Digital Detox Challenge 16/02/2024 By Kallos Team CHALLENGE RULES For three days, take note of your daily time spent on social media and other medi...Continue reading