24 Mar Issue 32, Love, Sexuality Love & Sexuality: How Can I Help A Guy Friend Who Suffers From Sexual Impurity? 01/11/2023 By Kallos Team "How can I help a guy friend who suffers from sexual impurity?" At the end of the day, we are all h...Continue reading
24 Jan Issue 31, Love, Sexuality Love & Sexuality: Doesn’t Sexual Intimacy Bring Us Even Closer To Being Ready For Marriage? 26/12/2023 By Marianne Wong "Is it wrong to have sexual intimacy if I’m in a committed relationship and we are both serious to m...Continue reading
24 Nov Issue 30, Love, Sexuality Love & Sexuality: Is Masturbation A Sin If I Don’t Also Watch Porn? 26/12/2023 By Hilary Tan "Is masturbation a sin if I don't also watch porn?" Whenever I have questions like these, I like to...Continue reading
24 Sep Issue 29, Love, Sexuality Love & Sexuality: How Do I Stop Watching Porn? 26/12/2023 By Kallos Team "What should I do if I am "not pure anymore" and am struggling with the guilt?" I feel you! One of ...Continue reading
24 Jul Issue 28, Love, Sexuality Love & Sexuality: Will I Lose My Virginity By Engaging In Heavy Petting? 04/11/2023 By Benita Lim "Will I lose my virginity by engaging in heavy petting?" The Oxford Dictionary defines virginity as...Continue reading
24 May Issue 27, Love, Sexuality Love & Sexuality: What Is The Point In Confessing Our Sexual Sins If Nothing Happens After That? 06/11/2023 By Quek Shiwei "What is the point in confessing our sexual sins if nothing happens after that?" It’s great that yo...Continue reading
30 Mar Friendship, Issue 20, Purity, Sexuality Dear Kallos: When God Created Sex, Did He Include BDSM? 14/11/2023 By Alina Teo Recently, I decided to buy some books recommended by my friends. Only upon reading did I realise the...Continue reading
30 Sep Inspiration, Issue 17, Restoration, Sexuality Spotlight: Jaime Wong – The Transformed Tennis Champ 15/11/2023 By Quek Shiwei Despite being a woman of many accolades, Jaime was humble about her accomplishments and so eager to ...Continue reading