24 Mar Challenge, Issue 35, Prayer Take The Prayer Challenge 01/11/2023 By Quek Shiwei CHALLENGE RULES 1. Make prayer part of your daily routine for two weeks. 2. For the first week, sta...Continue reading
24 Mar Issue 38, Prayer, World Refugees From The Middle East 28/10/2023 By Isabel Phua STATISTICS 70.8 MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE ARE FORCIBLY DISPLACED 25.9 MILLION REFUGEES TO DATE 2/3 O...Continue reading
24 Mar Challenge, Creation Care, Issue 38 Take The 3 ‘R’s Challenge 28/10/2023 By Quek Shiwei CHALLENGE RULES For 3 weeks, practice the 3Rs intentionally. These are your guidelines: Reduce: Red...Continue reading
24 Mar Baptism, Devotionals, Issue 38 Washed and Risen 28/10/2023 By Jiamin Choo It was a special Sunday in December 2010. My 85-year-old grandma, Ah Po, was onstage in my church sa...Continue reading
24 Mar Issue 38, Love, Media, Wisdom Review: To All the Boys (P.S. I Still Love You); Worth The Time? 28/10/2023 By Hannah Leung WARNING: SPOILER ALERT! YAY: Learning to Reconcile Lara Jean is insecure because of her boyfriend ...Continue reading
24 Mar Friendship, Issue 38, Wisdom Dear Kallos: My Parents Banned Me From Talking To My Guy Friend 28/10/2023 By Alina Teo My parents have banned me from talking to a close guy friend because he used to be in a gang and has...Continue reading
24 Mar Apologetics, Faith, Issue 38 Dig Deeper: Is It OK To Doubt God? 28/10/2023 By Riley Sewell First, let me confess something. I have doubted my faith. I have doubted what is said in the Bible. ...Continue reading
24 Mar Creation Care, Environment, Issue 38 Why We Should Care About Climate Change 26/12/2023 By Kang Li Do you feel in despair or grateful when you think of the world? With recent events like the Australi...Continue reading
24 Mar Creation Care, Inspiration, Issue 38, Sustainability Spotlight: Audris Quek of Paradigm Shift Label 28/10/2023 By Quek Shiwei In today’s society where instant gratification is all the rage, Audris, founder of Paradigm Shift La...Continue reading
24 Mar Family, Issue 38, Relationships, Restoration I Became An Orphan at 22, But Found God 26/12/2023 By Joylynn Ng In early 2004, my dad complained of chest pains after church on a Sunday and headed home earlier for...Continue reading