01 Jun Beauty, Faith, Issue 52 “Having Scoliosis Made Me Feel Different.” 19/02/2024 By Quek Shi Yun As a teen, being diagnosed with scoliosis always made QUEK SHI YUN feel ugly and different. She shar...Continue reading
01 Jun Faith, Identity, Issue 52, Life Yeo Jia Min: a Christian Athlete on the Courts 19/02/2024 By Kallos Team You may know her as Singapore’s national badminton player, but she would say that she is a child of ...Continue reading
01 Jun Faith, Hope, Issue 52, World Life and Hope in War 19/02/2024 By Kallos Team Ukrainian Christian ANASTACIA NEVMYVAKA reflects on how she can have hope and joy as she surrenders ...Continue reading
01 Jun Faith, Identity, Issue 52 I Stopped Letting Personality Tests Define Me 19/02/2024 By Kallos Team After years of allowing personality tests to define her, LUN WEISHI realised that they were influenc...Continue reading
01 Jun Faith, Issue 52 Is egg-freezing for social reasons OK? 19/02/2024 By Kallos Team With the recent policy change in Singapore that allows social egg-freezing, this may be a question t...Continue reading
01 Jun Faith, Identity, Issue 52 You are not your Enneagram type 19/02/2024 By Kallos Team “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways subm...Continue reading
01 Jun Faith, Issue 52 I can move mountains… right? 19/02/2024 By Kallos Team He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mus...Continue reading
01 Jun Issue 52, Love, Relationships Dear Kallos: How do you tell someone that you used to have a crush on that you don’t like him in that way anymore? Especially since he now returns the feelings? 19/02/2024 By Alina Teo How do you tell someone that you used to have a crush on that you don’t like him in that way anymore...Continue reading