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Who is the King of my Life?

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Who is the King of my Life?

Have you ever wanted something so badly that the consequences did not matter to you? It could be wanting to fit in, wanting to look trendy beside your friends, or wanting to feel loved. The nation of Israel had this strong desire to fit in with their neighbours and did not pay any heed to the consequences that were to follow. They suffered as a consequence but again and again, God’s love and faithfulness remained.

What happened?

One example of Israel’s error is found in the book of 1 Samuel, which recounts how Israel demanded for a king even though God was already their king. The people wanted a king — a human king they could see and hear (1 Sam 8:5, 19–20). God’s heart was grieved (8:7–8), but He had the prophet Samuel warn the people about the consequences of having a king to rule over the nation of Israel (8:9–10):

  • The people would have to give their sons up to serve the king in his army and for his own benefit like farming and arms-making (8:11–12).


  • The king would also take their daughters as workers for him (8:13).


  • The king would take the best of what the people had and distribute part of their grain and wine to his closest allies; he would start by taking their servants and livestock to serve him and end by taking they themselves as his slaves (1 Sam 8:14–17).


  • Eventually, even though they would make an outcry against the king, God would not answer them (8:18).

But stubborn as they were, the people still insisted and refused to listen and wanted to be like the other nations around them (8:19–20). They wanted a king to rule over them, so God gave them a king (8:22).

God would once again restore the relationship He had with His people
who had turned away from Him.

god’s response

Instead of completely forsaking His people when they went against Him, God did just the opposite. Look at God’s response to His people when they later realised their sin and cried out to God ( 12:19).

In 1 Samuel 12:20–22, Samuel assures the people of Israel:

Do not be afraid. You have done all this evil; yet do not turn away from the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart. Do not turn away after useless idols.They can do you no good, nor can they rescue you, because they are useless. For the sake of his great name the LORD will not reject his people, because the LORD was pleased to make you his own


God would once again restore the relationship He had with His people who had turned away from Him. God would call His people back to Himself. God is gracious and He remains faithful even when we are not. 

Instead of completely forsaking His people when they went against Him,

God did just the opposite.

Our response

What are some things you have demanded for, that you know are not the best for you? When have you not heeded the warnings or gentle reminders from those around you and sought to do things your own way? Know that God has not given up on you and He is still calling you to Himself. 

What ‘kings’ have you established in your life that you need to dethrone to place Jesus rightfully on the throne of your heart again? Now is the time to set things right with Him.

Know that God has not given up on you
and He is still calling you to Himself

The hymn “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” by Helen Howarth Lemmel encourages us: 

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
That the things of the world
Will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace


When the world beckons us to turn aside to desire other things that may look good or seem to be the popular choice among our friends, let us turn our eyes upon Jesus. May the words of this song resonate in our hearts — that we would choose to turn our eyes upon Jesus and not turn aside to other things. And in doing so, Jesus will cause our desire for Him to grow and the desire for the things of the world to fade.

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